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Family Constellations

What is a setup?

A constellation is a method of gaining insights into all types of relationships around you. It maps out your role in the system - could be your family, work or romantic relationships - where you are. You discover how you and the others in the system influence and communicate with each other and learn to recognize patterns.

A setup mapping all your connections. In your life you are not alone, even though it may seem that way sometimes. Even though you may not be aware of it at all, the people around you partly determine your life and shape you into who you are. It is important to know how you influence each other and what that means for you. An arrangement can help to gain a better insight into your relationships and show where your strengths and areas for improvement lie.

How does it work practically?

A (family) constellation, also called systemic work, is a clear means to reveal unconscious, obstructing and often invisible patterns and actually create space for change. A (family) constellation takes place with a supervisor and a limited number of participants (questioners) and several representatives. Apart from their own set-ups, the participants are also representative in other set-ups. A setup can take 15 minutes, but also more than an hour.

So you can participate in two ways:

As a representative; You will have the opportunity - if you wish - to participate in one or more constellations as a representative. You will notice that you automatically 'resonate' with the energy of the constellations. Even if you only want to watch the first time, that's fine. You can get used to us as drafters, to the space, to the group and what an arrangement is and does to you.

As the questioner; We will then work out your question / theme together in your own setup. The result of an arrangement is always a clarification of the themes that are relevant to you. Balance, insight, strength, energy, tranquility are words that belong to this.

A constellation begins when someone introduces a pre-felt question that is somehow linked to patterns from the family of origin.

The facilitator will conduct a short interview to get some more information about the situation. The supervisor then makes a proposal for the representatives to be drawn up. Representatives generally represent people, but they can also represent a theme, a country, a desire ...

The questioner chooses people from those present to represent and positions them in the space. From this representation of the inner image of the questioner, the facilitator sets to work with this position. The attitude of the supervisor is respectful: there is time to observe which information becomes visible and the position can, as it were, unfold.

It becomes visible how - according to the inner image of the questioner - the relationships are, for example on the basis of the mutual distances, directions of view (is there eye contact?), And the body postures. In addition, an arrangement provides an image as a whole; there is balance, connection, space. It becomes visible who (not) belongs, who is taxed, who is missing ...

Representatives are asked for information about their experience, what do they experience (physically, emotionally and relational) where they are. As the constellation unfolds, they may take up other positions and, if appropriate, representatives are asked to pronounce healing ('enlightening') sentences. In this way, underlying dynamics within the system become visible and room for change is created.

Family constellations are a powerful means to heal unresolved family issues and have a long-term effect. If you can take your own place in the whole, space is created for your own autonomy and at the same time space to connect from freedom. Because a suitable order is created in the system, love can flow again.

In addition, it is possible, for example for individual guidance, to use dolls or other objects instead of human representatives. The questioner can take turns empathizing with the representatives, this method is also extremely enlightening.

I regularly organize exhibitions, sometimes with a theme and sometimes I leave it open.

Do you want to participate to find out why you are in a certain phase, or why there is certain tension between another person? or a completely different question? Sign up and let's see together what is going on in your life so that you can continue through the given insight.

Due to Corona, no date can be set yet, but I do accept waiting lists. As soon as the weather is allowed, I schedule dates and will show on the website where, at what time and how much it will cost.

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