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Rates & Fee


It is important that it clicks and whether you want to walk your journey with me where you want to go.

That is why it is nice if I first talk to you on the phone and those 15 minutes of getting to know each other are free . During this conversation we discuss your request for help and you can then consider whether you want to follow the therapy with me. If you want to choose after the first session whether you want to continue, that is of course okay, but this 1st session will be invoiced.

€ 60 per hour.

Usually the sessions are 90 minutes because you get just that insight around 60 minutes and you still want to keep going. Do you really prefer 60 minutes because you do not want to increase it financially, please indicate it.  

Are you a student and / or on benefits and can you prove this? I always have a special rate for 2 places.

Then 4 sessions are possible for € 35 per hour.

100% will be charged for deregistration for less than 24 hours.


I have chosen not to enter into contracts with a health insurer before 2020. That is why I have a lower rate that you would have to pay yourself if you do have a reimbursement with a health insurer. Reimbursement is possible from spring 2021.

If you have questions about a 1st session or about payment, feel free to email me.

For 2021, the hourly rate will be slightly increased until May, namely € 65 per hour.

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