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Grief is finding your identity again ... Who am I without .......?

Grieving is a complicated, multifaceted and lonely process .. because your grief you carry ... And if something hurts for you, it hurts .... It feels like this to you, there is no discussion in it.

Losing something or someone dear to you hurts. If you had a certain meaning for that person or for that position or status and it is no longer there, is it still you? Your mind knows that the person is gone and yet you can't believe it's really over, really gone ..

Unfortunately, I can have a good say in various grieving processes. Grieving can be about many things and each grieving process is different.

During all my grieving processes I have walked many paths and have thought along this path, did I only know this before or did I only know certain tools to deal with this.

Hence this training, because there is a LOSS and you feel LOSS (T).

During this process we are going to see who or what you have lost. What did it mean to you? Who were you before the loss and who are you now? How can we let go of some things about this and how can we honor certain things / subjects in this and take them on your further path?

What can you expect during LOSS (T):

- A safe environment where you can say / tell everything

- Think of a suitable ritual for you

- Piece of psycho education

- Short setup

- and much more.

Practical information:

Duration : In the first instance we take 3 sessions for this, if more time is needed, we will look together how many extra sessions you want.

We come together for 60 minutes at a time .

Minimum number of participants: 5 (max 7)

Cost : € 175

Via the button below, you can pay with IDeal

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